The mission of the brand is to serve customers with unique products that open new avenues of cocktail adoption in India.


    If you ever meet someone high on life, you wonder what gives them the high. For Ronak, its seeking novelty. Novelty in taste, experiences and life. It is this, that makes him an occasional drinker but a perpetual novelty seeker, high on life. With a deep understanding of India, it was Ronak who took the vision and made it into a business. A business with a mission to make the cocktail experience easy with a never seen before category innovation and an extended line of Indian flavours that can be enjoyed even without alcohol.


    At a chill Sunday party during his college days, Nischay decided to go beyond the general norms of drinking and did something that changed his definition of a good time. He had his first cocktail. An experience seeker by nature, he was taken by surprise and wanted everyone to explore the unexplored world of cocktails. At that very moment, he decided to bring together the best tasting cocktail mixtures people have ever experienced with a vision to democratise and elevate the cocktail industry in India